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Miss Hell's Kitchen
The 9th Annual Miss Hell's Kitchen pageant is an out-of-this-world fundraising event designed to support Cycle for the Cause- a 275 mile bike ride from Boston to NYC, that helps to raise funds and awareness for those affected by HIV and AIDS. MHK '19 stepped it up a notch, bringing together some of New York's most notorious queens for one unforgettable night of fabulousness. Each contestant donates her time and talent, and features 4 unique looks - Presentation, Beachwear, Talent and Evening Gown - in the race for the title, and the honor of being crowned Miss Hell's Kitchen! Miss Hell's Kitchen 2023 is the amazing Amanda Porq!

MHK '12
Bootsie LeFaris
MHK '13
Tina Burner


MHK '14
Brenda Dharling
MHK '15
Monet XChange

MHK '16 -'17
Vita Summers
MHK '18
Lady SinAGaga
MHK '19 -'22
Gloria Swansong
MHK '23
Amanda Porq
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